There are different ways to integrate with us. You can easily integrate Affirm with one of our existing e-commerce platform integrations such as Magento, Shopify, and many more. To find the steps for the Integration Process with supported platforms, click here. The best and easiest way to integrate with Affirm is by using a supported e-commerce platform. You can switch from one platform integration to another quickly and easily.
These are the most common platforms:
BigCommerce | Shopify | Magento 2 | WooCommerce | Wix Stores | Salesforce Commerce Cloud |
If you don’t use a supported e-commerce platform and you work with your own built platform, you can integrate Affirm with Direct API integration. Check the instructions here.
- If the Direct API integration method is not the best option for your business, we recommend using Affirm Lite for a quicker integration with a minimum development effort.
If you need further help, contact our Merchant Care team using the Business Resource Hub help widget.