Sometimes, a customer creates a loan but it won’t show on your Merchant Portal. This can happen depending on different situations related to the payment method that the customer chooses, or issues that arise during the loan application process.
Customer’s loans will appear on the Merchant Dashboard under the section “Charges”:
If the customer’s loan is not showing, check the following scenarios to confirm the loan:
Virtual Card loan details won’t show up on your Affirm Dashboard or settlement reports since this is a particular loan where the customer uses a Virtual Card in a business that takes VISA cards. The customer takes this loan and uses the Virtual Card to place an order on your site. As the loan is placed through a Virtual Card, funds will actually be paid to you through your card processor like any other debit/credit card transaction. The funds for this order will not appear on your standard settlement reports. For more information about the Virtual Card Network, check this article.
Once a customer has confirmed an Affirm loan and gets redirected to your business confirmation page, interruptions may occur due to issues with the customer's internet connection (e.g. connection issues, browser timeouts, etc.). In this case, the customer should double-check their internet connection and delete cookies and cache from their current browser. Check this link for guidance on deleting cookies and cache.
For more help, contact our Merchant Care team using the Business Resource Hub help widget.