If you have a customer who wants to pay with Affirm, but your business is not yet partnered with us. Check this article on how to set up Affirm In-Store offerings.
Otherwise, use Affirm's support widget to submit a request. Fill in a form with the information relative to your request. Fill out the form as follows:
- Your Name: Name of the requester.
- Email Address: Email address of the requester
- Subject: Affirm In-Store Point Of Sale
- In the “Description” section, provide the following:
- What are the Total Addressable Sales (Annual Revenue) in your stores?
- Can you accept Card Not Present transactions (Manual credit card entry)?
Click “Send” to send your request
Once submitted, our internal team will review your eligibility and provide an update after the evaluation of your request. If you were approved for Affirm In-store offerings, visit this article to better understand the customer checkout flow.