You can set up daily, weekly, and monthly settlement reports to be automatically emailed to you on a recurring basis. Our settlement process operates on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For greater clarity and to ensure alignment with local timezones, we will present the timeline in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
The reports will include a detailed report file (.csv) and upon request, a summary file can also be provided. This summary file will contain the totals of each deposit within the report, but it is not generated by default.
Please note: If you are expecting a large number of reports, you may experience delays in delivery times.
Daily Settlement Reports will be delivered every calendar day, rather than only on banking business days, unlocking broader visibility into money flows. On days when there are no deposits, we will produce a blank report instead of omitting the report. Additionally, Consolidated Payouts will total loan payments into fewer net settlements each day, further streamlining accounting and reconciliation.
Learn how to schedule settlement reports here.
Daily reports
Daily reports are generated every day at 7:30 PM PDT (Merchants utilizing Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) reports can expect these to generate at 7:45 PM PDT).
Each daily settlement report includes all charges from the previous day (accounting for the timezone conversion, Tuesday's report contains all of UTC Monday's charges). Therefore, the report that appears on your portal on a given day at 7:30 PM PDT will be the previous day's report.
For example: The report that appears on your portal on Wednesday, March 6th at 7:30 PM PDT will be the Tuesday, March 5th settlement report.
Weekly reports
Weekly reports are delivered every Monday at 8:30 PM PDT (Merchants utilizing Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) reports can expect these to generate at 8:45 PM PDT).
Each weekly settlement report includes charges from the previous week, Monday through Sunday.
For example: The report that appears on your portal on Monday, December 5th at 8:30 PM PDT will be the November 28th (Monday) to December 3rd (Sunday) settlement report.
Monthly reports
Monthly reports are delivered on the first day of the month at 8:30 PM PDT (Merchants utilizing Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) reports can expect these to generate at 8:45 PM PDT).
Each monthly settlement report includes charges from the previous month.
For example: The report that appears on your portal on December 1st (Thursday) at 8:30 PM PDT, will be the November 1st to November 31st settlement report. If you are also receiving daily files, you will receive two reports on this day, the monthly file and the usual daily file that covers the previous days transactions only.